save big on hotels

5 sites to know to save big on hotels


More and more of us are making hotel reservations online . And for good reason, the many sites that can be found there often allow you to do business and save money . Here are the 5 essential sites to know to book a hotel at a discount. is a very powerful and very intuitive hotel comparator. The first search window takes the basic criteria, date, city, number of nights and people, and we quickly have a general idea of ​​the offers. We then refine with more precise filters (number of stars, access to the beach, equipment in the room, etc.).

We like the “Distance from the city center” and “Comments rating” tabs which allow you to get a definitive idea of ​​the establishment, its advantages and disadvantages.

Please note that there is no reservation fee and often no cancellation fee. It is ideal for planning a stay at a low price.


Here is a site which has the particularity of offering the possibility of playing the auction game. Indeed, on , it is you who proposes your price. The function is called Name Your Own Price . If the offer is accepted, the reservation is triggered.

Hoteliers obviously have the choice of accepting or rejecting the offers that are made. This system often allows you to enjoy really interesting prices, since you will not spend more than the budget you have set!


More than 230,000 hotels spread over 47,000 destinations across 200 countries, this is the beautiful database of hotels offered by the online comparator Amoma .

We like the ease of use, the wide variety of choices available, which allow those looking for a youth hostel as well as those looking for the most luxurious establishments to find what they are looking for. The drop-down tabs allowing you to choose your currency, language (a choice of 18 languages ​​is available) and the distance measurement unit are also very practical.

The presentation of the hotels is simple and ergonomic, including the rating of the establishment on TripAdvisor. And for those who do not like to book on the web, the site offers telephone advisers who will take care of the reservation.

Juggernaut of the genre is a staple in the travel industry. Very practical for finding a hotel in a specific area, the site allows you to find very good deals, so do not hesitate to compare the establishment using the many search criteria that are offered.

Many Internet users use it to find cheap plane tickets , but many are also those who use it to combine their hotel + plane reservation or for all-inclusive travel packages . You can also book a rental car, a cruise, activities at destination …

The strength of the site is based on its very broad offer and its access to 130 airlines and 145,000 hotels. For most hotel reservations, there is no cancellation fee.


FairBooking is a site that differs from comparators and online reservation centers since it is the initiative of hoteliers. This is called a “fair” comparator. It was launched in 2013 and plays the card of direct and human contact between hosts and customers.

When hotels do business with industry giants, they have to pay them a commission of up to 30%. Here no commission, the site is financed thanks to the annual memberships of each professional.

The classification of hotels is done according to the criteria defined by the Internet users themselves


Don’t forget that to book a hotel, you can also call the establishment of your choice directly and see with them what price they are able to offer you. While most of the time the best prices will be those negotiated by online comparators, some establishments are open to negotiation, especially in order to avoid the commission paid to the above sites.

Depending on parameters such as your flexible arrival or departure time, for example, you could have substantial discounts. You have to like to negotiate, but it can work!

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